Mount Hebron was once the home of Abraham (Ibrahim as the Muslims call him). Abraham was know for being a extraordinarily hospitable man. A depiction of his meeting with the angels (Genesis) can be found under the term hospitality in Wikipedia – the text says "In Middle Eastern Culture, it was considered a cultural norm to take care of the strangers and foreigners living among you. These norms are reflected in many Biblical commands and examples".
Abraham would not have recognized Hebron today.
Yesterday a Palestinian gunman shot down 4 Jewish people including a pregnant woman and in the process orphaned 7 children.
Since Abraham, in Mamlukian and Ottoman empires Jews and Arabs have resided in and around the mountain.
As Jewish and Arab numbers rose steadily so did tensions, until in 1929 following rumor that the Jews were planning to seize Temple Mount, Arab mobs massacred scores of Jews. Few Jews would remain in Hebron. Neighborly spirit evaporated.
In 1948 the UN decided on dividing the land according to demographic data. Since Hebron was no longer inhabited by many Jews it would not be a part of the Jewish state. Neighboring Jordan conquered the land and would not allow Jews to visit Hebron.
In 1967 Israel conquered Hebron. Jewish settlements popped up everywhere. Jews were not welcome in Arab neighborhoods, nor were Arabs in Jewish neighborhoods. In 1994 a Jewish man opened fire on praying Arab worshipers at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron and killing 29 people.
Today residents of this mountain live apart entrenched in separate and fortified enclaves. They fear their neighbors.
It was said that Abraham's tent had 4 openings to welcome visitors from all directions – it is also said that a house in mount Hebron has 4 locks.
The legacy of Abraham or Ibrahim, whatever you may call him is gone for good. Mount Hebron today is a very inhospitable place.
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